Marjolein de Wit - Nieuws

Musical Sketch (opus IV) - I. Andriasov

In december 2014 vond de Nederlandse première plaats van het prachtige stuk Musical Sketch, geschreven door de Russisch-Amerikaanse componist Iosef Andriasov.

Uitgevoerd door Marjolein de Wit en Johan Bredewout.


Beluister de première van Musical Sketch.

Hieronder een beschrijving / analyse van Musical Sketch, geschreven door de vrouw van de componist, Marta Andriasova.


Op. 4 - Iosif Andriasov: Musical Sketch for Flute and Piano, F Major 

(by Marta Andriasova)


In 1955, at the age of 22, Iosif Andriasov wrote a Piece for Flute and Piano. Mr. Andriasov said that this music is “serene, rich (abundant), and deeply dense. The icy mountains of the planets... reflection of the mountain peaks... yellow sun.” 

In the 1960’s, I. Andriasov arranged this piece for Flute and String Orchestra and gave it a new title: Musical Sketch for Flute and String Orchestra. In 1969, the Musical Sketch for Flute and String Orchestra was first performed by the musicians of the USSR All-State Radio and Television Orchestra in Moscow, USSR. This piece has been numerously performed in USSR, Russia, the Netherlands, Taiwan, Finland, U.S., and other countries. Among the performances in The Netherlands, Flutist Marjolein de Wit gave the Dutch premiere on December 15th, 2014. Most of these recordings may be heard on YouTube.


The Musical Sketch is a lyrical piece of a pastoral character. This piece is contemplative, crystal-clear, and slightly detached music of the outer sections is in contrast to the agitated, and elegiac in the inner section. The Musical Sketch, sincere and instantly communicative, evokes a world of eternal beauty, grace, and wise simplicity. 


A melody by the Flute begins this piece as an ornamental chromatic passage, which sounds as a slow glissando (the first measure) and continues as a flowing tune, based on the reed-pipe pastoral motifs. Such a melodic fluctuation through several modes is a trait paradigmatic for the Armenian musical traditions. The string orchestra supports the Flute melody with soft chords. 


In the second sentence, an ornamental passage, played by the Flute, becomes even more florid and flamboyant. The music in the middle section of the Musical Sketch (“B”) is so deep and beautiful that it is hard to describe with words. It definitely gives a glimpse into the intimate inner world of the composer: pure and innocent, tender and courageous. The middle section is written almost entirely in the minor key, with a short appearance of an A Major tonality. 


In the Musical Sketch for Flute and String Orchestra, Iosif Andriasov’s style is enriched by the elements of French music. The traits of French musical classicism are organically fused with the traits of the original Armenian and Russian traditions.   


In his Musical Sketch, Iosif Andriasov explores a new specter of melodic, harmonic and textural language. The melodic and harmonic language of this piece is based on the major-minor system that is used by the composer freely and inventively. Iosif Andriasov was fond of chords with added seconds. They play a significant role in the harmonic language of the Musical Sketch.


The music of the Musical Sketch reflects kindness of the composer’s soul. The Musical Sketch, which is affable, tender, loving, and sincere, is not a romantic dream about the beauty of the spiritual world, but it IS the spiritual world itself. This composition is notable for its depth of spiritual qualities: tenderness (with its satellites), affability, thoughtfulness, sincerity, impartiality, and perfection are prevalent in the outer sections, while the middle section is compassionate, selfless, and courageous. No wonder this piece has been performed all over the world. Beauty has no walls and can be comprehended everywhere there is life.     


Duration: approximately 4 (four) minutes